Some have thought that these are the words of David king of Israel, speaking in his own person, and seeking for mercy in Christ. But certainly there is no authority for the supposition. No one can think so of what went before. Indeed no one ever hath, because the Holy Ghost himself hath determined that they are the words of Christ, as hath been shown by the parallel passage in Hebrews 10:5, etc. And as there is not the smallest change of person, but the continuation of the same speaker, and in the same address to Jehovah, it should seem to be a violence to the words, to apply them to David. And wherefore apply them to David. Not surely because the pleader speaks of trouble compassing him about, and his iniquities having taken hold of him. These things, so far from being unsuitable to the holy Jesus, are the very things which we might reasonably suppose he would speak of, and consequently his holy soul would feel most painful. And when we consider that as our surety he bore our sins and carried our sorrows, how very reasonable is it to expect, that these cries of the Son of God should be at the very time in which he is set forth as a sacrifice for them. Yes, blessed Jesus! to, my view it is sweet, it is precious; it is just what a poor sinner like myself would find comfort and encouragement in, the beholding the Son of God borne down with sins not his own, and groaning under a pressure which would have crushed all the angels of light, if they had taken it upon them. Oh how lovely is Christ in this appearance! Surely the very name is as ointment poured forth to my soul! Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. Galatians 3:13.

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