This, if confined literally to the carrying up of the ark, would not be strictly true; for though there were shootings and the sound of the trumpet at that festival, yet God himself could not be said to have gone up, unless we still apply God's presence to this symbol of it; 2 Samuel 6:15. In like manner, if we apply it to the ascension of Christ, in which we may truly say, God is gone up, yet upon this occasion it is not said that there was any sound of a trumpet or shoutings among the astonished disciples. But notwithstanding this, there might have been shoutings in the upper world beyond the hearing of mortals. If the sons of God shouted for joy at creation, as we are told they did, can we suppose they would be silent when redemption work was completed? And if at the return of the Lord Jesus to judgment he is to descend with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, is it not probable that the heavenly regions shouted for joy, when Christ the God-man, returned from the vast work which he had accomplished in our salvation? Job 38:7; 1 Thessalonians 4:18.

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