READER! while perusing this Psalm, and beholding the death of the rich voluptuary, do not forget that there are poor voluptuaries, as well as wealthy ones, to whom death, whenever it comes, is equally awful. The poor man, who lives without God and without Christ in this world, dies as awfully as the rich. And indeed in one sense he is a greater fool than his rich neighbour; for the man of wealth hath, according to his view of things, something to vaunt himself upon, and to make him put far away from his thoughts the remembrance of death. But for a man to be poor in this world, and to live so regardless of the redemption of his soul as to be poor in the world to come, is one degree of folly greater than his fellow. Reader, how blessed the thought! the redemption, the costly redemption by Jesus, is alike suited both to rich and poor. Jesus buys all his ransomed at the same price. It was sweetly said, with an eye to this, The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less, when they give an offering unto the Lord, to make an atonement for their souls; Exodus 30:15. Blessed Jesus, thou hast purchased the redemption of thy people by thy blood. This redemption indeed is precious; and being once made, it ceased to need any further redemption forever. By that one offering of thyself, once offered, thou hast forever perfected them that are sanctified.

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