MY soul, pause over the short relation, given in this Psalm, of the malice of the wicked; and, in the instance of this wretched Edomite, behold a representation of all that race. Children of the evil-one enter with delight into his service, and manifest the bitterness of their hatred against the Lord, and against his Christ. Their wages in the present world are the pleasures of sin, the love of the world, the commendation and applauses of s inners like themselves, and the profits of iniquity. In the world to come, where should their station be, where indeed could they desire to be, but with him whom they here serve? Reader, amidst all the groans of the soul, under the remains of indwelling corruption, how, blessed is it not to be of this family who persecute the followers of Christ! Lord Jesus, I desire to praise thee in the distinguishing tokens of thy favour, that thou hast taken me into thy service; and if but a hewer of wood, and a drawer of water, O how blessed to be of the household of faith. Lord, keep me near thyself, that I may praise thee forever, because it is thou that hast done it; and grant that I may wait on thy name, for it is good, before thy saints.

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