PRECIOUS Lord Jesus! let the reading of this sweet Psalm be so accompanied with thy grace, that it may incline my soul to be cleaving closer and closer to thee, my God, in all the exercises of my warfare. Surely, Lord, it is good to be brought low, nay, to be overwhelmed in myself and all surrounding circumstances, if, from the multitude of oppressions, my soul is constrained to see thy blessedness, and to have my heart more earnestly directed towards thee. And oh! thou holy, blessed Spirit, do thou, I beseech thee, most gracious God, lead me amidst all those waves which would overpower me; lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. Jesus is my Rock, where, among the inhabitants, I would forever sing. In him I would rest; on him I would forever dwell: to him would I daily perform my vows, and make mention of his righteousness, even his righteousness only. And as I would come to thee, thou ever full and ever gracious Saviour, as I came the first day, poor and needy, so let the continued supplies of thy grace only endear thee the more, and make me the more sensible of my wretchedness without thee. Be thou, indeed, all in all, and as thou art the all of everything that is blessed to thy people, so be thou all my blessedness and all my joy, and glory, now and forever. Amen.

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