How truly blessed it is to have a covenant God to fly unto, amidst all the reproaches of the enemy, and the malice of every deadly foe which lies in wait to deceive. But oh! how truly blessed is it to behold Thee, thou excelling pattern and exemplar of our nature, in all the conflicts thou, the Lord of life and glory, wast called to pass through, when thou didst condescend to endure such a contradiction of sinners against thyself, lest we should be weary and faint in our minds. Methinks I hear thy voice still vibrating in my ears, oh, thou meek and harmless Lamb of God, when thou didst cry out under the heavy load, My God! my God! why hast thou forsaken me? Thou wert indeed a worm, and no man, in their esteem; nay, the very scorn of men, and the outcast of the people. Never, oh never, blessed Jesus! let me lose sight of thee, while passing on the heavenly road. Give me to mark thy footsteps by the tracing of thy blood as I go on! and let me say, See, here the Redeemer trod, when, like his people, he walked through this vale of tears.

Oh! ye mistaken enemies of Jesus! short are your triumphs, and sure your misery. The God of our salvation sees all your conduct now; and shortly, very shortly, will he shoot at you with a swift arrow. Death is near, very near: and the Judge is at the door: then will be fully shown the difference between the righteous and the wicked between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not.

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