In allusion to the state of Israel while in Egypt, while they were building houses for Pharaoh, they were considered as the most abject of slaves, and it is probable that they had no couch, or resting place, but lay down by night, after their work was finished, among the rubbish of their labours: hence they are said to have been, like worthless dirty vessels, lying among the pots. But when brought out of slavery, and established in their kingdom, as in the days of David and Solomon, these were golden days to Israel; compare Exodus 1:11; 1 Kings 10:27. But I pray the Reader to look further still, to the spiritual sense of this scripture. Doth not our Lord Jesus Christ in effect say to every soul of his redeemed, when brought to himself, Though thou wert cast out to perish, and in thy lusts and affections wert covered with the rubbish of idolatry; living as without God and without Christ in the world; yet now that thou art brought nigh in my blood, thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee. Song of Solomon 4:7. So the apostle views the presentation which Christ makes of his church to himself, Ephesians 5:26.

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