Reader, do not fail to observe in what an endearing point of view the church is called upon to triumph in her covenant God. First, in his glorious incommunicable name JAH, self existent, and in himself the Author and Source of all the covenant-blessings he hath given and promised. Secondly, in his covenant character, as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named; by which he stands engaged to be the Father of our fatherless and ruined state in Adam. And thirdly, in the fulfillment of what he hath promised to our glorious Head; of which every poor sinner brought out of darkness and the shadow of death is a confirmation. The Lord Jehovah doth in effect say to the person of the great Head of the church, whenever he quickens a sinner, By the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water; Zechariah 9:11. Well may every redeemed soul sing praises to God; yea, sing praises to his name! And still more when contemplating the distinguishing nature of the mercy. Is it not the name-sake of Jehovah which is made the cause and motive of every covenant mercy? Ezekiel 36:22.

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