This Psalm is entitled a Psalm for Solomon; but under that title we
are taught by the divine word that it is a prophecy concerning the
Lord Jesus; and a greater than Solomon is here. It is indeed, take it
altogether, a most beautiful description, typically considered, of the
reign of the L... [ Continue Reading ]
The prophet having with an eye of faith, beheld the advent of the
Redeemer, goes on, under the same spirit of prophecy, to describe the
blessed auspices of his reign. I would observe, once for all, while
going over this divine Psalm, that our reading of it will be more
profitable, if by grace we fee... [ Continue Reading ]
Isaiah had a similar commission, in speaking of Jesus and his gospel
as the peace of God in Christ, when he declared that the very feet of
them who were the preachers of it were beautiful; Isaiah 52:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
By the same judgment and justice with which the Redeemer's reign shall
be distinguished, while his poor and needy shall be upheld and
blessed, his and their enemies must be destroyed. He shall take out of
his kingdom all that offend. An awful consideration, if duly pondered;
to all the enemies of th... [ Continue Reading ]
Here is a verse, which, if needed by way of confirmation, is enough to
cast forever to the ground all the childish ideas which some may have
taken, as if this Psalm had any reference to Solomon, king of Israel.
The whole reign of David's son was not more than forty years; whereas
that throne, which... [ Continue Reading ]
Every verse is descriptive, more or less, of the glories of Christ,
and of the sure success and blessedness of his government. What a
lovely instance is this one! He shall come down as rain. How? Upon the
dry and parched ground of his people's hearts. And how doth the rain
descend? Silent, sometimes... [ Continue Reading ]
This verse very sweetly and properly follows the former, for where
Christ comes down on a nation, or a people, or family, or any
individual; all the blessings of mercy and peace will follow. From
whence come wars (saith an apostle) and fightings among you? Come they
not hence even of your lusts, whi... [ Continue Reading ]
The prophet having spoken of the blessedness of Christ's reign, here
describes the extensiveness of it. Jesus is indeed the universal
Emperor and Lord of heaven and earth. He saith himself, "All power is
mine; " and he hath the keys of hell and death. Matthew 28:13;
Revelation 1:8. So that from the... [ Continue Reading ]
Here are some of the gracious acts of this almighty Sovereign in his
reign of grace: he will save his poor and needy. They are the purchase
of his blood, and therefore they shall be precious in his sight: No
weapon formed against them shall prosper. Blessed consideration! and
yet more so from the as... [ Continue Reading ]
Here is another evidence of the perpetuity and everlasting duration of
his kingdom; and another of the blessed consequences of it, in the
prayers and praises continually and daily presented to him, and
presented for him. Believers shall look up to him for all the graces
of the Spirit, and for unceas... [ Continue Reading ]
Here is an elegant figure to represent the fruitfulness of the gospel
of Jesus, the seed of which, though but like a handful, or as the
grain of mustard-seed, shall spring forth and produce such abundance,
that a little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong
nation. Isaiah 60:22.... [ Continue Reading ]
The prophet cannot close the wonderful account of Jesus and his
kingdom without once more (as if to draw an everlasting line of
distinction between him and all earthly potentates) speaking of the
eternity of both, and that in him, and him only, all nations shall be
blessed. There is not a blessing o... [ Continue Reading ]
No wonder the Prophet, after such a review as this Psalm records, of
the person and glories of Christ, should break out in such an
acclamation of praise to Jehovah Elohim, the God in covenant, Father,
Son, and Holy Ghost! Who but must bless God for Christ; and bless God
in Christ, that duly contempl... [ Continue Reading ]
HERE let me pause, my soul, and contemplate thy King and God in the
glories of his person, and in the blessedness of that reign which
shall have no end! Truly, blessed Jesus, thou art a King, both as one
with the Father, God over all, blessed forever; and as the Mediator,
the Head of thy... [ Continue Reading ]