It were a pity to separate these verses, and the devout and happy frame which appears through the whole of them. Reader! what a thought is that one, Nevertheless I am continually with, thee! An union with Christ gives this everlasting abiding with him, and blessedness in him. It is impossible to be otherwise than happy while Jesus Christ is our portion. All grace is secure from this principle; for while the Head exists, the members must exist no less. Because I live ye shall live also; John 14:19. Heaven itself, but for Jesus and the constant flow of righteousness and glory in him, would cease to be heaven. Our souls could be no longer happy or righteous but as those supplies flow into our souls and keep them alive in him. So that the everlasting need of Christ, as the Head of his church here below, to supply grace, is evident from hence; and the everlasting need of Christ, as the head of his church in glory, must be the same also; and hence, Reader, think how eternally and unchangeably precious must Jesus be, both for earth and heaven, to become the perennial and overflowing fountain of life, and light, and peace, and happiness, and glory, to his whole church, in time and to all eternity. Oh! precious, precious Jesus, do thou make me to see that I am continually with thee, and that thou art holding me by thy right hand.

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