This is another of the gospel Psalms, and truly precious it is, when
opened to the believing soul by God the Holy Ghost. It appears, in its
first view, as if it referred to some temporal deliverance of the
church; but if the Reader look diligently into it, he will find some
points which ha... [ Continue Reading ]
If we first advert to Israel's history as a history of the church, we
may trace abundant proofs of God's favor, from the moment they were
formed into a church, through all their eventful pilgrimage. They got
not the possession of their land by their own sword, neither was it
their own arm that helpe... [ Continue Reading ]
How sweet and suitable is this prayer for converting grace, after
experiencing pardoning mercy! When Jesus hath purchased our pardon,
his next gracious act is to renew our hearts to a proper enjoyment of
it. And what a blessed thought is it that Jesus not only undertook for
our debt, but engaged for... [ Continue Reading ]
These are divine breathings, and they speak the language of a truly
awakened, regenerated, pardoned sinner. These cries suit the church,
and every member of the church. They comprise in three leading
blessings, many more that are included in them: the total removal of
all displeasure; the light of t... [ Continue Reading ]
Here, like another prophet, the man of God, having given in his
petitions, now stands on his watch-tower, to hear the Lord's answer.
Reader, so should you and I do, and not like the ostrich of the
wilderness, leave our prayers without looking after them, as she
leaves her eggs, unconcerned and uncon... [ Continue Reading ]
Here, if I mistake not, the principal beauty of the Psalm begins to
open. I do not presume to say so much, but I would humbly ask, are not
these the words of God, in answer to the foregoing petitions? Moses
was commissioned by the Holy Ghost to tell Israel how nigh the Word
was unto them; Deuteronom... [ Continue Reading ]
Reader, behold what a meeting is here! All the divine attributes,
indeed, all the Persons of the Godhead, for man's salvation. All
center in the person of Christ. Is not Jesus himself emphatically
called Mercy, and the mercy promised? Luke 1:72. And is he not Truth
itself? John 14:6. And is he not R... [ Continue Reading ]
All increase, all blessings, must now continue to flow in our
Emmanuel's land, his church; and that church cannot cease from
following her glorious Head, when He, now lifted up; hath undertaken
and promised to draw all his people unto him. John 12:32.... [ Continue Reading ]
MY soul, read again and again this blessed Psalm; and so read and
meditate concerning the most glorious things spoken of in it, until
thy whole affections are led out in holy rapture, praise, and love, to
the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the wonders of redemption so
beautifully and l... [ Continue Reading ]