MY soul, read again and again this blessed Psalm; and so read and meditate concerning the most glorious things spoken of in it, until thy whole affections are led out in holy rapture, praise, and love, to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the wonders of redemption so beautifully and largely set forth in it. See, my soul, how all the attributes of Jehovah meet to accomplish salvation, by the union of what nothing but divine love could have proposed, and nothing but divine power could have accomplished! See how all the sacred Persons assemble to crown Jesus, King of Glory! Here God and man meet in one person, Christ. Here law and gospel, justice and mercy, are found harmonizing! Here heaven and earth are brought together, rather than poor man shall be lost! Here a covenant of works and a covenant of grace meet in the wonderful person of Jesus! And here we learn an evident proof, that God can be just to his own glory, and yet gracious to a poor sinner's transgressions, in justifying the ungodly.

Look up, my soul, look up, and contemplate thy Jesus, thy Redeemer, thy Saviour. Surely thou hast never done this as thou ought, if thou dost not behold in him what this Psalm records, mercy and truth meeting together, righteousness and peace kissing each other. In him, and his righteousness, his blood, and the graces of his Holy Spirit, do thou seek for the Father's honour and glory, and the assurance of thine own everlasting salvation. And oh! let the consciousness of everything centering in Christ for grace here, lead thee to the blessed hope and confidence, that everything for glory hereafter must centre in him also. In Christ, Jehovah meets the sinner with pardon and mercy in this life; and in Christ all the manifestations of Jehovah meet to give happiness and glory to the church to all eternity. Hallelujah! Salvation to God and the Lamb. Amen.

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