This Psalm hath been very justly considered as a beautiful ode on the Incarnation of Christ; and, as such, contains the outlines of that glorious event, and of the happiness and welfare of the church in it.

A Psalm or Song for the sons of Korah.

Psalms 87:1

The very title of this Psalm leads the Reader to expect the discovery of some more than ordinary blessings in it. And what can be more blessed than to sing of him who was born, and lived, and died, and rose again, for the redemption of sinners? The title may be justly read, A Psalm or Song for the sons of miserable man; for such was Korah: and the late Mr. Romaine so translated it. Hence, according to his view of the words, in this first view, it is of Jesus the Psalm speaks, in whom the church shall be established. And there is a great beauty in this verse, that He, of whom the Psalm sings, is not mentioned by name! because everyone, taught by his Spirit, knows who it is. So the church, Song of Solomon 3:3. And let the Reader remark another beauty; the church is founded on Christ, the Rock of ages; whereas the world, the scripture saith, is founded upon the seas, and established upon the floods. Psalms 24:2. Pause, Reader, and consider how eternally safe and secure the one: how precarious and fluctuating the other.

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