Here is a new train of thoughts, arising out of the view of God's covenant love in redemption, celebrated before. The degeneracy of Israel, and the captivity of the people (probably with an eye to the Babylonish oppression) is here, by the Spirit of prophecy, dwelt upon. And if it doth not refer to that particular period of the church, yet it plainly refers to a season when the waters of the sanctuary ran low. The sacred writer pleads hard for deliverance; first, by claiming relationship and covenant-interest; then by adverting to the triumphs of the enemies; next, by reminding the Lord of the length of the affliction, the transitory state of all things here below, the shortness and unsatisfying nature of life, and the very poor condition of fallen sinful man upon earth: and he closes all with an allusion to the insults offered by the enemy to the person and, work of Jesus. Reader, pleadings in prayer are the most interesting parts of prayer, when offered up with confidence in Christ.

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