Here are several beautiful figures, illustrative of man's short and transitory state of existence: first, as a flood, whose tide never stops a moment from flowing, but sweeps everything before it: next, as a sleep, during which the man is unconscious of what passeth; for such is life, a dream, a fancy, an illusion: next, as grass, which, as the Psalmist saith elsewhere, withereth before it be fully grown up: next, as a tale that is told, meaning a mere voice, a breath, which, though heard, is not seen, and passeth away, even in the moment of its existence. Reader, pause, and contemplate the humbling truth. The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass. Oh! what a relief did this voice give, when it added, That the word of our God shall stand forever! Isaiah 40:6. Oh, thou uncreated Word! Thou didst con descend to be made flesh, and didst dwell among us: Thou didst take our nature, to make us partakers of thine! Hail, thou gracious, holy, blessed Redeemer!

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