BLESSED Lord Jesus! thy Church finds cause to praise thee, for by gracious watching over thy people, and regarding their interests as thine own. Very sweetly didst thou manifest this love of thine, when commending John to measure the temple, and the altar, and them that worship therein. Surely, Lord, if John was thus taught to know the dimensions of thy Church and people; Jesus meant to say; that he himself, knows all that concerns them, the thought of this is; enough, in the worst of times, to comfort thy chosen. True, Lord, thy witnesses are in sackcloth in the present hour. The waters of the sanctuary run low. But the Lord knoweth them that are his. In the darkest seasons, Jesus hath a seed to serve him, a generation to call him blessed.

Lord! prepare thy Church for the awful time, when thy witnesses shall be slain. Oh! keep thy Church, in every individual instance of her true members, from the accommodating spirit of the present day. Oh! for grace from thee, thou glorious Lord, to bear up against the torrent running through this land, of mingling with the heathen, and learning their works. Carry on thy chosen, through all that remains to be accomplished, under the second woe trumpet of thy counsels. And hasten, in thine own time, that blessed soul-reviving sound, which shall call forth great voices in heaven, and the shouts of thy redeemed upon earth. Though both the Writer, and present Reader of this feeble labor, may not be alive to hail thy coming; yet all thy faithful now in grace, do by faith take part in that glory, which shall then be revealed, when thou shalt come to be glorified in thy saints, and admired in all them that believe. Amen.

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