READER! Let us seek grace, that, like the beloved Apostle, we may by faith hear the sweet voice, saying, Come up hither, and like him, may be immediately in the Spirit, when we come to visions and revelations of the Lord!

Oh! Lord the Holy Ghost! as it is thy blessed office to glorify the Lord Jesus; do thou forever glorify him to the view of thy people, that as oft as thou liftest the eye, and the soul to look to the throne; oh! to see the Lord Jesus, as the Rainbow encircling the throne, and, as God the Father's bow, the everlasting token of God's good will to man. Yea, Almighty Father, behold thy Church in Him, through Him, and by Him, as our everlasting security and portion. And let thy Church begin the Hymn, and all thy redeemed Elders and Men, follow in one vast song in the same, to celebrate the wonders of thy grace. And what a song will that be finally in heaven, when all the redeemed from every nation, country, and clime, shall be assembled before thee, to sing to the Lord's glory forevermore?

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