The church is here in a season of sharp exercises: seeking, but not immediately finding her Lord. She relates the conflicts she sustained in her pursuit and enquiry after Jesus. Having at length, found him, she rejoices in the discovery. The chapter closeth with an account of the King's glory.

Song of Solomon 3:1

By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.

We left the spouse of Christ in the close of the preceding chapter, in a very comfortable, and even rejoicing state; for she was sitting down under the confidence that she was her beloved's, and her beloved was her's. But we have a great change of circumstances in the opening of this chapter. Evidently Christ had withdrawn himself, and the church was sensible of it. A great instruction ariseth from hence, which all the followers of the Lord should be earnest to learn. When the Lord, at anytime hides his face from the house of Jacob, it is specially with a view to make his people know his value, and more earnestly to prize his presence; and, though he seemeth to withdraw and hide himself; yet, it is but to excite their greater desires after him. And I beg the Reader particularly to remark with me, that the church being made sensible of her Lord's departure, and determining to seek him, becomes at once a plain proof that there was no change in Jesus's love; for, by his grace, he was still working upon her heart to seek him. And I beg the Reader also to remark, that the church's going forth to seek Christ, was as plain a proof that dark seasons and dull frames do not altogether make dead the life of God in the soul. Jesus was still Him, whom her soul loved; though, if needs be, the soul is in heaviness through manifold temptations. Reader! though it be night often, when our souls are wanting fresh communion with Jesus, and we return from seeking after him without success, yet, it should support our minds during the trying hour, that Jesus's love, and our covenant interest in Christ, do not depend upon what we feel, but upon what Christ is. Read that precious scripture, for it is a sweet one; John 13:1. Jesus having loved his own which are in the world, he loveth them unto the end.

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