It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.

It is not said what answer the watchmen gave the church, or whether any; but this verse brings with it the relation of Jesus's love in manifesting himself to her. The Lord was hastening his own gracious purpose concerning her; and now having by the sweet, but secret inclinations, wrought by his Holy Spirit in her heart, to seek him privately, both by night on her bed, and by day on the public ordinances of his word; she tells us in this verse, that it was but a little space from leaving the church, before that she found him whom her soul loved; and now she determined never more to be separated from him. Thus the Ethiopian which came to Jerusalem for to worship, was returning from the temple as ignorant and uninformed as he came, but yet he found Christ in the desert. Acts 8:28. Reader! do not fail to mark the many precious instructions which arise from hence, Jesus hath promised his presence with his people always, even to the end of the world. Matthew 28:20. But he will teach his people at times the infinitely precious privilege of this: by showing that ordinances, though means, are not the end of religion: neither ministers, nor ordinances, nor means of grace, are in themselves anything - Jesus alone is the sole object to satisfy the soul; and, unless we have him, we have nothing. And when he hath hereby taught his people his preciousness; then, like the church, we shall greatly prize the invaluable mercy, and hold him fast by lively actings of faith upon his blood and righteousness, following him into his retirings, and wrestling with him in prayer, and praise, and love, and affection; until we have brought him into the chambers of the church, that blessed Jerusalem, which is the Mother of us all, which is above; to tell everyone of him, whom our soul loveth, and whose we are, and from whom we would never more part; but live upon him by faith here; and in glory hereafter. Reader, it will be one blessed testimony that Christ is dear to us, if we endeavour to recommend him to others. When Jesus called Matthew he made a great feast, and invited other publicans and sinners to sit down with Jesus. Luke 5:29.

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