Or ever I was aware, my soul made me like the chariots of Amminadib.

And Jehovah speaks and the church thus conscious of the presence of her Lord visiting his garden, felt that blessed but sudden effect that her soul became as the chariots of Amminadib, perhaps the swiftest ever known. But some have rendered the passage as the words of Jesus. That God is overcome by the earnest cries of his people; and, indeed, speaking after the manner of men, this is evident, from passages in scripture already quoted in this chapter. And, in addition to these, the Reader will find a beautiful illustration to the same amount; Hosea 11:8. And also another in Jeremiah 31:20. The chariots here spoken of, if the words be accepted in this latter sense, will be the chariots of my willing people; that is their faith, love, and all the other graces implanted by Jesus in the soul, and thus called forth by him into exercise. Ammi, meaning my people, and Nadib, implying their willingness.

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