I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me.

Here we have, once again, the church rejoicing; in the consciousness that she is the property of Jesus. And here she adds a delightful consideration to that consciousness, that the desire of her Lord is toward her. And indeed, of all subjects in redemption, this, which is one of the highest, is the plainest, and most evident. Had not Christ desired the church, never would he have given himself for her; had be not desired her, never would he have bought her with so vast a price; neither would he have endured the cross, and despised the shame, but for his everlasting glory, and a zeal to his Father's honor in her salvation. And, indeed, in the gift of the Father of the church to Christ, we are told that Jehovah granted him his heart's desire, and would not withhold the request of his lips. Psalms 21:2. Reader! how blessed is it to see this, and to trace it in the history of the church at large! And oh how blessed, when you and I can trace the same in the history of our own souls!

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