This beautiful Song is now drawing to a close, and the Church repeats her earnest desires for increasing knowledge of, and communion with her Lord. In the body of this Chapter, it is hard to distinguish between the expressions of Christ and those of his Church, in which are contained the vehement pantings for fellowship. Towards the close, the Church puts up a request for the speedy call of the Gentiles, and finisheth the whole in earnest prayer for her Beloved to hasten his coming, and sum up his whole purposes of redemption in glory.

Song of Solomon 8:1

O that thou wert as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! when I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; yea, I should not be despised.

The Church in this verse is still prosecuting the same pleasing subject, that she dwelt on in the former chapter; but, willing to enjoy Christ in every relationship, wherein he hath condescended to put himself, she here reminds him that he is her brother, as well as her husband. Reader! it is blessed to know and enjoy Jesus, in all his names, offices, characters, and relations; for he fills all. And as we are told that he is not ashamed to call his people brethren; surely everyone should delight to make use of the relationship, and call him brother. Christ is the brother of his Church, from taking our nature upon him, in being the seed of the woman after the flesh; for it behoved him in all things to be made like unto his brethren: Genesis 3:15; Hebrews 11:12; Matthew 12:50. Perhaps by the wish which the Church expresseth in this verse, is meant to convey the longing of Old Testament saints for the incarnation of the Lord Jesus. O that thou wert as my brother; that is, Oh! that the salvation were given unto Israel out of Zion! And as Christ and his Church are one, so one mother, even Jerusalem is, as the Apostle saith, the mother of us all. Galatians 4:26. By sucking the breasts, very plainly means the enjoyment of the same ordinances. Hence Jesus, when on earth, graced the synagogue with his divine presence. Luke 4:16, etc. The kisses, mean the exercises of faith, love, repentance, and all those graces which Jesus, by his Holy Spirit, plants in the souls of his people, and which, by his influences, he again brings forth into action, upon his person, blood, and righteousness. Hence, therefore, saith the Church, when I humbly offer these things unto my brother, my Lord, I shall not be despised. No! Jesus despiseth not the day of small things. Zechariah 4:10. He doth not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax. Matthew 12:20.

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