In the East the ass takes the place which the horse has among European nations. It is there a much more noble animal, and is declared to be a very intelligent one: cf. Isaiah 1:3. It is highly valued there and is well treated. It was used for riding both by men and women, and for carrying burdens. Among a man's property the asses are often enumerated. Genesis 12:16; Job 1:3; Job 42:12; Ezra 2:67; Nehemiah 7:69. There are five Hebrew words used for the domestic and the wild ass, referring to its strength or to its colour.
The 'white asses' mentioned in Judges 5:10 are still greatly prized in the East. In some parts the flesh of the ass is highly esteemed for food, but it was forbidden as unclean to the Jews: it was however eaten in the dire famine at the siege of Samaria. 2 Kings 6:25.
THE WILD ASS is very wild and very swift. It is seldom tamed. It is thus a fit emblem of man's natural birth. Job 11:12. Jehovah demanded of Job "Who hath sent out the wild ass free? or who hath loosed the bands of the wild ass?" Job 39:5: cf. Jeremiah 7:24; Daniel 5:21.