
The first son of Adam and Eve. Ignoring the fall, he approached God in his own person, and with the fruit of his own toil from the ground that had been cursed. God could accept neither him nor his offerings: life had been forfeited, and man must approach God through the death and excellency of a victim which God could accept. Cain's anger was kindled because of the acceptance of Abel and his offering, and he slew his brother, notwithstanding that God had reasoned with him respecting his anger. God cursed him from the earth, and set a mark upon him that no avenger of blood should slay him. Cain went out from the presence of God — significant sentence — and in the land of Nod built a city and named it after his son Enoch. Genesis 4. He is held up in the N.T. as an example of wickedness and self-will. 1 John 3:12; Jude 1. Cain's act of worship is a notable type of mere human religion — presuming to approach God as if there had been no fall and no sin. See ABEL.

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