Deborah. [Deb'orah]
1. Rebekah's nurse: she accompanied her mistress when she left Padan-aram and remained with her till her death; she was buried under the 'oak of weeping.' Genesis 24:59; Genesis 35:8.
2. Wife of Lapidoth: she became a 'mother in Israel,' and was a prophetess and 'judged Israel;' it was she who incited Barak to attack Jabin, who had oppressed Israel twenty years. This led to the defeat of their enemies, the death of Sisera by the hand of Jael, and the destruction of Jabin. A remarkable song of triumph by Deborah over the enemies of God followed the victory. Judges 1:4 and 5. Deborah is a beautiful instance of how, under God, the faith of a single person may be the means of arousing those under deep depression into activity and thence to victory.