Ebiasaph. [Ebi'asaph]
The word 'abomination' is used in the O.T. in reference to any iniquity as viewed by a holy God. It also designates what was unfit to be presented in the service of God, such as an animal with any sort of blemish being brought as a sacrifice; the price of a dog being put into the treasury, etc. Deuteronomy 17:1; Deuteronomy 23:18. The divine service became itself an abomination to God when it had fallen into a mere outward observance or was in association with iniquity. Isaiah 1:13; Proverbs 28:9. but idolatry was the special thing that was declared to be abomination to Jehovah. The idols themselves are thus designated:2 Kings 23:13; Isaiah 44:19; and Ezekiel 8. shows the idolatry that was carried on in secret, and the 'greater abomination,' of bringing it actually into the inner court of the Lord's house, between the porch and the altar! The word is but seldom used in the N.T. and applies then to wickedness in general.