This metal is mentioned as early as Genesis 4:22, when it was used by artificers; and Job speaks of it as dug out of the earth. Job 28:2. It was in use in Palestine before the Israelites entered, for they found that the Canaanites had chariots of iron. Joshua 17:16, Joshua 1:17. Og king of Bashan had a bedstead of iron, and iron was used for spear heads, threshing instruments, and other such purposes. Iron is used as a symbol of hardness. Israel is described as obstinate; their neck was like an iron sinew and their brow as brass. Isaiah 48:4. The Lord Jesus will rule the nations with a rod of iron. Revelation 12:5; Revelation 19:15. Iron also characterised the kingdom of Rome. When represented as a beast, it had great iron teeth. Daniel 7:7, Daniel 1:7; and in the great image the character of the various kingdoms had depreciated from gold to silver, then to brass, thence to iron and clay, that would not unite, the traces of which are seen around us in the national governments of the present day. Daniel 2:33-45.