New Testament.
For the general contents of the New Testament see BIBLE. See also COVENANT. The chronology of the principal events recorded in the New Testament is given in the following tables, with approximate dates. The dates of the Epistles of Peter, James, John, and Jude are according to the A.V. For the date of the crucifixion See SEVENTY WEEKS: other dates are reckoned from that.



27 Augustus emperor of Rome

6 Census in Judaea. Birth of John the Baptist

5 Birth of Jesus (Four full years before A.D.) Presentation in the temple.
4 Visit of the magi. Flight into Egypt, Massacre of infants. Death of Herod;

Archelaus made ethnarch of Judaea, Samaria and Idumaea

Herod Antipas tetrarch of Peraea and Galilee. Philip tetrarch of Ituraea, Trachonitis. etc.


6 Quirinis (Cyrenius) governor of Syria the second time Archelaus banished, and Judaea made a province of Syria.
7 Enrolment, or taxation, under Cyrenius. Annas made high priest

8 Jesus at Jerusalem. Luke 1:2-46

14 Tiberias emperor of Rome: reigns alone
17 Caiaphas made high priest

26 Pontius Pilate procurator of Judaea

John commences his ministry. (See TIBERIUS.) Mark 1:1-11

Baptism of Jesus. The Temptation

Miracle of the water made wine at Cana. John 1:2-11

Jesus visits Capernaum

The first Passover. Jesus cleanses the temple. John 1:2-22

John cast into prison. Jesus preaches in Galilee Mark 1:14, Mark 1:1

Jesus at the synagogue at Nazareth: cast out of the city. Luke 1:4-30

Jesus visits the towns of Galilee Mark 1:38, Mark 1:1

27 Jesus visits Jerusalem (probably the second Passover). John 1:5

The twelve Apostles chosen Mark 1:3-19

Sermon on the Mount. Matt. 5.- 7; Luke 1:6-49

Miracles in the land of the Gadarenes. Mark 1:5-20

The Jews offended at Jesus at Nazareth. Mark 1:6-5

Jesus again visits the villages around. Mark 6:6

Jesus sends forth the twelve. Mark 1:6-13

Death of John the Baptist. Mark 1:6-29

Feeding the five thousand. Mark 1:6-44

Miracles in Gennesaret. Mark 1:6-56

28 Approach of the third Passover John 6:4

Feeding the four thousand. Mark 1:8-9

The Transfiguration. Mark 1:9-10

Feast of Tabernacles. John 1:7.

Journey towards Jerusalem. Luke 9:51

The seventy disciples sent out. Luke 1:10-16

Feast of Dedication (winter). John 1:10-39

Jesus goes away beyond Jordan. John 1:10-42

The raising of Lazarus at Bethany. John 1:11-44

Jesus retires to Ephraim. John 11:54

29 Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. Cleanses the temple Mark 1:11-18

The Greeks visit Jesus. Voice from heaven. John 1:12-36

The last (fourth) Passover. The Lord's supper Mark 1:14-2

The Crucifixion. Ascension. Pentecost

30-34 the events from Pentecost to Stephen. Acts 2 — Acts 1:7

35 Martyrdom of Stephen. Saul "a young man" Acts 1:7-60

Great persecution, disciples scattered except the apostles Acts 1:8-4

36 Conversion of Saul (three years before

his flight from Damascus.) Acts 1:9-28; (Galatians 1:18)

37 Caius (Caligula) emperor of Rome; reigns 4 years
Herod Agrippa succeeds Herod Antipas
Caiaphas deposed, and Jonathan made high priest

38 Paul, at Damascus and in Arabia. Galatians 1:15-18

39 Paul's first visit to Jerusalem; sent to Tarsus. Galatians 1:18; Acts 1:9-30

40 Conversion of Cornelius Acts 1:10.

41 Claudius emperor of Rome; reigns 13 years
Judaea and Samaria united, under Herod Agrippa as king
Herod (brother of Agrippa) king of Chalcis

Gospel preached to the Gentiles at Antioch Acts 11:20

Barnabas goes to Antioch; fetches Paul Acts 11:26

42-3 They remain a year at Antioch

Herod Agrippa's persecution. James beheaded Acts 12:2

Peter's imprisonment and release Acts 1:12-19

44 Death of Herod Agrippa. Palestine again a Roman province Acts 12:23

Paul's second visit to Jerusalem, with the collection. Acts 11:30

45 Paul returns to Antioch Acts 12:25

46-8 First journey of Paul and Barnabas

to Cyprus and Asia Minor Acts 1:13. & Acts 1:14.

48 Ananias nominated high priest by Herod, king of Chalcis

49-50 Paul, after return, remains a long time at Antioch Acts 14:28

Dispute concerning circumcision, council at Jerusalem Acts 15:1

50 Paul's third visit to Jerusalem with Barnabas

(fourteen years from his conversion. Galatians 1:2) Acts 15:2

Returns and stays at Antioch. Acts 15:35

51 Second journey of Paul with Silas and Timothy

through Asia Minor to Macedonia and Greece Acts 1:16. & Acts 1:17.

Felix made procurator

52 Paul spends a year and a half at Corinth Acts 18:11

First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians written.
The Jews banished from Rome
53 Paul leaves Corinth, and sails to Ephesus
54 Nero emperor of Rome; reigns 14 years

Paul's fourth visit to Jerusalem. Returns to Antioch Acts 18:22

Third journey through Galatia and Phrygia Acts 18:23

55-6 Paul at Ephesus two years and three months. Acts 19:8, Acts 1:19

Epistle to the Galatians written.
First epistle to the Corinthians written.

Tumult at Ephesus. Acts 19:23.

Paul goes to Macedonia. 2 Corinthians 2:13; Acts 20:1

57 Second Epistle to the Corinthians written.

Paul goes to Corinth, and stays three months Acts 20:2, Acts 1:20

58 Epistle to the Romans written.
Paul leaves Corinth, and goes through Macedonia

with Luke. Sails from Philippi; preaches at Troas Acts 20:6, Acts 1:20

Paul addresses the elders of Ephesus at Miletus Acts 20:17

Farewell at Tyre and at Caesarea Acts 21:4, Acts 1:21

Paul's fifth visit to Jerusalem just before Pentecost Acts 21:17

Paul seized by Asiatic Jews in the temple Acts 21:27

Sent by Lysias to Felix, at Caesarea Acts 23:23, Acts 1:23

59-60 Heard by Felix. Paul kept in bonds two years Acts 1:24.

60 Felix superseded by Porcius Festus Acts 24:27

Paul heard by Festus; he appeals to Caesar Acts 25:6,Acts 1:25

Paul heard by Agrippa and Festus Acts 25:23

Sent off by sea to Rome (autumn) Acts 27:1

Paul shipwrecked at Malta, where he winters Acts 1:28

Arrives at Rome. Heard by the Jews Acts 28:16, Acts 1:28

(About) Epistle of James written.
(About) First Epistle of Peter written.
{Paul dwells two years in his own hired house, during

61 { which he writes the Epistles to the Colossians, Acts 28:30

62 { Philemon, Ephesians, and Philippians.

{ ("Paul the aged:" Philemon 1.)

63 Paul is liberated, and takes another journey
Epistle to the Hebrews written.

Paul visits Crete, and leaves Titus there Titus 1:5

Paul bids Timothy to remain at Ephesus 1 Timothy 1:3

64 Paul goes into Macedonia 1 Timothy 1:3

First Epistle to Timothy written.
Epistle to Titus written.

Paul winters at Nicopolis Titus 3:12

64 Great fire at Rome, attributed to the Christians
65 First general persecution under Nero
The building of the Temple completed — begun by Herod

Paul visits Miletus, and leaves Trophimus there sick 2 Timothy 4:20

66 Ananias assassinated by Sicarii
Paul arrested, and sent to Rome
Second Epistle of Peter written.
(About) Epistle of Jude written.
Second Epistle to Timothy written.
67 Paul put to death
68 Death of Nero, by suicide
69 Vespasian emperor of Rome
70 the Christians of Jerusalem retire to Pella, beyond the Jordan
Jerusalem destroyed by Titus, son of Vespasian
79 Titus emperor of Rome
After 90 the Three Epistles of John written.
The Revelation written.

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