
The quotations from the Old Testament in the New are important as proving incontestably that God is the author of the whole. It is not simply that Moses or David said this or that — though the quotations prove that Moses was the writer of the Pentateuch — but they are introduced by such words as "God commanded," Matthew 15:4; "The Holy Ghost saith," Hebrews 3:7; "David himself said by the Holy Ghost," Mark 12:36; "Spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet," Acts 28:25. Then the whole is spoken of as 'the scriptures,' which are all inspired by God. Whatever therefore is inscribed with 'It is written' has the authority of God Himself.

The quotations from the prophets are introduced in various ways.

1. "In order (hina) that it might be fulfilled." Matthew 1:22, etc. The event happens that that prophecy should be fulfilled.

2. "So that (opos) it might be fulfilled." Matthew 2:23, etc. Such events fall within the scope of the prophecy, and may also apply at other times.

3. "Then (tote) was fulfilled." Matthew 2:17, etc. The prophecy applied to that event, without its being the purpose of the prophecy.

4. "Was fulfilled." Mark 15:28. "This day is fulfilled." Luke 4:21. The prophecy was then and there fulfilled.

The citations also illustrate how the scriptures, both the Old and the New Testaments, may be applied, as when the Lord quoted from Deuteronomy in repelling the temptations of Satan. See also the different applications of Habakkuk 2:4. — in Romans 1:17, it is a question of righteousness: "the just shall live by faith." In Galatians 3:11, it is in contrast to the law: "the just shall live by faith." And in Hebrews 10:38, it is in contrast to drawing back: "the just shall live by faith."

The quotations are from Moses, the Psalms, and the Prophets. In those days the books were not divided into chapters and verses as now, which accounts for various expressions. As in Mark 2:26, a quotation is from '[the section] of Abiathar the high priest.' 1 Samuel 21:1-6. In Luke 20:37, 'Moses showed in [the section on] the bush.' Exodus 3. In Romans 11:2, 'the scripture says in [the history of] Elias.' 1 Kings 17 - 1 Kings 1:19. This may also account for Matthew 27:9, Matthew 1:27, where the quotation is said to be from Jeremiah — that prophet being anciently the first in the Book of the Prophets, his name may have been used as a sort of heading.

Most of the quotations are from the Septuagint (LXX), doubtless because it was then better known than the Hebrew, in the same way that the A.V. is now constantly quoted, even where it is not an exact translation. Some quotations are not literally from the Hebrew or the LXX, the Holy Spirit in alluding to them gives them a fulness and power beyond the revelation of the Old Testament.*
* In "The New Testament Handbook" the quotations as they stand in the Hebrew (shown by the A.V.) and in the LXX (by an English translation) are given in full. (G. Morrish, Paternoster Square.) In Horne's "Introduction" the Hebrew and Greek text are also given.

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