chasidah. There are three particulars mentioned in scripture respecting this bird.
1. It makes its nest in the fir trees. Psalms 104:17. This agrees with the stork; it is a large bird, and selects a tree that is high and yet one that will well support its nest.
2. It is represented as in the heaven. Jeremiah 8:7. The stork flies very high, especially when migrating.
3. It has powerful wings. Zechariah 5:9. This also agrees with the stork, its wings extending to more than six feet. The same Hebrew word occurs in Job 39:13; See margin.
The word chasidah is kindred to the word translated 'merciful,' and the bird is remarkable for its tender care, not only of its young, but of the aged. In the Levitical list it is classed among the unclean birds. Leviticus 11:19; Deuteronomy 14:18. This we might expect, as it feeds upon mice, snakes, and other reptiles, etc.
Both the black stork (ciconia nigra), and the white stork (c. alba) are numerous in Palestine. The former associate together in secluded and marshy districts, often in flocks. White storks prefer the habitations of man, where they roam about the streets, devouring the offal. They are much respected, and it would fare ill with any one who would injure them. In some places they are of much value on account of their attacks upon the serpents.