One of the animals classed among the unclean, and which is supposed to have been held in abhorrence as food by the Jews. The prophet Isaiah, however, charges them with eating swine's flesh; and their apostasy was such that he says when they offered an oblation, it was as if they had offered swine's blood: their heartless profession was abhorrent to God. Isaiah 65:4; Isaiah 66:3, Isaiah 1:66. It is not recorded whether the Gadarenes were Jews or Gentiles, who lost their swine by the demons' possession of them. Matthew 8:32; Mark 5:13. The swine are typical of the most defiled and degraded, to whom apostates are compared, and before whom holy things should not be cast. Matthew 7:6; 2 Peter 1:2. The prodigal had reached the lowest point of degradation when he would fain have satisfied his hunger with the swine's food. Luke 15:16.