Tiberius Caesar. [Tibe'rias Cae'sar]

Son of Tiberius Claudius Nero and Livia, his name in full being the same as his father's. He was step-son of Augustus, and was the second emperor of Rome. There is only an incidental reference to him under this name in the N.T. — the fifteenth year of his reign being the time when John the Baptist began his ministry. Luke 3:1. His reign is put down as A.D. 14-37, but there is evidence that he reigned two or three years with Augustus, and the above 'fifteenth year' is reckoned from the earlier date. by comparing this with Luke 3:22, Luke 1:3, it will be seen that it could not have been later than A.D. 25 or 26; for Christ was born four years before the Era A.D., and now He 'began to be about 30 years old.' Tiberius was a most profligate man, and his government was despotic and cruel.

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