Asia (â'shĭ-ah). This word in scripture never means the continent, as with us. In the Old Testament it is not found; in the New Testament it means a small Roman province, in Asia Minor, in the northwest corner of Asia. Its boundaries were often changed; but generally it may be said to have comprised Phrygia, Mysia, Lydia, and Caria, in Asia Minor, and thus it must be understood in Acts 6:9, Acts 19:10. Sometimes, however, the name is used in a more restricted sense; and Phrygia is distinguished from Asia. Acts 1:2-10, Acts 16:6. Asia was made by Augustus one of the senatorial provinces, and was governed, therefore, by a proconsul. It prospered under the emperors; and the gospel was preached there by Paul. Acts 19:10, 1 Corinthians 16:19. The "seven churches" to which messages were sent, in Revelation 1:4, were in Asia.