Blessing. Genesis 12:2. This word is variously used in Scripture. God is said to bless his creatures. This is not merely the expression of a wish for their welfare, but the actual bestowal of some good, or the means towards a good. Genesis 1:22, Genesis 32:29, Job 42:12, Acts 8:26; and elsewhere. Sometimes creatures are said to bless their Creator, when they acknowledge his kindnesses and seek to show forth his praise. Psalms 1:103-2, Psalms 1:134-2. Sometimes men bless their fellow-creatures, when they express their gratitude for favors received, pray for a blessing upon them, or predict their prosperity. Genesis 1:14-20, Genesis 28:1, Numbers 24:10, Job 29:13. And, as thus to bless is the expression of gratitude or kindness, so a token of gratitude or kindness, that is, a gift, is sometimes called a blessing. 2 Kings 5:15.