Censer. There are two Hebrew words so translated, mahhtah and miktereth; the latter occurring only in the later books. 2 Chronicles 26:19, Ezekiel 8:11. It was a vessel or metal fire-pan to take up coals on which the incense could be placed. It was portable, and probably had a long handle. Censers are described among the furniture of the altar—the brazen altar," not the altar of incense. Numbers 4:14; and a special charge is given for the use of the censer on the day of atonement. Leviticus 16:12. Probably those of the ordinary kind were of brass or copper, comp. Exodus 27:3; but the Jews suppose that the one used by the high priest was of gold; and this supposition is to a certain extent corroborated by the fact that Aaron is bidden to use some particular censer—the definite article being prefixed to the word. Leviticus 16:12, Numbers 16:46. Korah and his company had censers, Numbers 16:6, Numbers 16:17, Numbers 1:16-39; but they were doubtless of the common sort. Solomon made golden censers. 1 Kings 7:50, 2 Chronicles 4:22. A golden censer is mentioned in the New Testament. Hebrews 9:4. It is questioned, however, whether the golden altar is not rather meant. The R. V. frequently reads "fire-pans" for censers. The Greek word rendered "censer" in Revelation 8:3, Revelation 8:5, is derived from frankincense, implying that frankincense was burnt therein. The "vials," 5:8, have been thought to mean similar vessels.