Chamber. Genesis 43:30. Usually, the private apartments of a house are called chambers. 2 Samuel 18:33, Psalms 19:5, Daniel 6:10. Particular rooms of this class in Eastern houses were designated by significant terms.
Guest-chamber. Mark 14:14. This we may suppose to have been a spacious unoccupied room, usually in the upper part of the house, and furnished suitably for the reception and entertainment of guests and for social meetings. The proverbial hospitality of the Jews would make such provision necessary, and especially at Jerusalem, in festival seasons, when every house in the city was the stranger's home. Mark 14:15, Luke 22:12, Acts 1:13.
Inner Chamber. 2 Kings 9:2. A chamber within another chamber.
Little Chamber. 2 Kings 4:10. An apartment built upon and projecting from the walls of the main house, and communicating by a private door with the house, and by a private stairway with the street.
Upper Chamber, or Loft, Acts 9:37, occupied the front part of the building, over the gate or outer entrance, and was used to lodge strangers. Comp. 1 Kings 17:19, 1 Kings 17:23 with 2 Kings 4:10.