Dedan (dç'dan). 1. A grandson of Cush, Genesis 10:7, and the name of a people, with a region of like name. 1 Chronicles 1:9. Dedan is thought to be the same as Daden, an island of the Persian Gulf; the inhabitants were noted merchants. Ezekiel 27:15, Ezekiel 38:13.. A people of northern Arabia, descended from Dedan, a descendant of Abraham and Keturah. Genesis 25:8, 1 Chronicles 1:32, Jeremiah 49:8, Jeremiah 49:25, Jeremiah 49:23, Ezekiel 25:13. The descendants of this Dedan lived near Idumæa. Jeremiah 49:8. It is not certain, but probable that the Cushite tribe engaged more extensively in trade. The "travelling companies" of Dedanim, A. V. plural of Dedan, R. V. "Dedanites," are noticed in Isaiah 21:13. They are also named with the merchants of Tarshish by Ezekiel 38:13, and were celebrated from their trade with the Phœnicians.

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