Enoch (ç'nok), initiating or initiated, i.e., dedicated. 1. A son of Cain. Genesis 4:17, Genesis 18:2. One of the most eminent of the antediluvian patriarchs, the son of Jared and father of Methuselah. He has this remarkable testimony, "that he walked with God;" an expression denoting near communion with the Lord, and conformity to his will. And "he was not; for God took him," that is, like Elijah in subsequent times, "he was translated that he should not see death." His life was, for the period in which he lived, a short one upon earth, 365 years; but it was a life of faith, pleasing in the eye of his Maker. Genesis 1:4-24, Luke 3:37, Hebrews 11:5. Jude cites a prophecy of Enoch. In 1 Chronicles 1:3, Enoch is called Hanoch.