Esau (ç'saw), or Edom (ç'dom). Son of Isaac and Rebecca, and twin brother of Jacob. Genesis 25:25, Genesis 36:1. The most important events of his life are intimately connected with the life of Jacob. See Jacob. His family settled on Mount Seir, east of Jordan, which was hence called Edom, and bis descendants were the Edomites, one of the most powerful and formidable nations of that age. The prophecies concerning Esau and Edom have been literally fulfilled. His family has become extinct, "cut off forever," so that there is none "remaining of the house of Esau," Obadiah 1:18, Jeremiah 49:17, Ezekiel 25:13, and "the things of Esau" have been "so searched out and his hidden things sought up," Obadiah 1:6, "that not a relic can be found in their ancient dwellings." See Edom.