Evangelist. One who brings good tidings. One who travels as a missionary everywhere and from house to house to teach and preach Jesus Christ. Ephesians 4:11, Acts 21:8, 2 Timothy 4:5, Acts 5:42, Acts 8:4, Acts 8:35, Acts 8:40, etc. The "work of an evangelist," 2 Timothy 4:5, seems to have been specially the carrying of the gospel-message to persons and places previously unacquainted with it. Hence, one bearing another office might be an evangelist. Thus Philip, "one of the seven," is called an "evangelist." Acts 21:8. Evangelists are distinguished from "pastors and teachers," and placed before them in Ephesians 4:11, as being itinerant; whereas pastors and teachers belonged more to a settled church; they are omitted in the list of 1 Corinthians 12:28; because no reference was there made to missionary extension of the church, but rather to its internal organization. Eusebius speaks of evangelists as both preaching Christ and circulating the record of the holy gospels. Hence, probably, the ordinary usage of the word evangelists to denote the writers of the four Gospels.

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