Eye. The practice of putting out the eyes as a mode of punishment has been in both ancient and modern times very common in the East. Captives in war, and those who might be supposed likely to head rebellions against the sovereign were frequently thus treated. Judges 16:21, 1 Samuel 11:2, 2 Kings 25:7. The painting of the eye was and is usual among Eastern women. This was what Jezebel did, 2 Kings 9:30, marg., R. V. "painted her eyes;" comp. Jeremiah 4:30, Ezekiel 23:40. A peculiar brilliancy is imparted to the eye, and a languishing, amorous cast given to the whole countenance. The eyelids and eyebrows are thus painted with what is called kŏhl. "The powder from which kŏhl is made is collected from burning almond-shells, or frankincense, and is intensely black. Antimony and various ores of lead are also employed. The powder is kept in vials or pots, which are often disposed in a handsomely worked cover or case; and it is applied to the eye by a small probe of wood, ivory or silver, which is called meet, while the whole apparatus is named mîkhûly."