Gate. Eastern cities anciently were walled and had gates. They are thus sometimes taken as representing the city itself. Genesis 22:17, Genesis 24:60, Deuteronomy 12:12, Judges 5:8, Ruth 4:10, Psalms 87:2, Psalms 122:2. Gateways were used:(1) As places of public resort. Genesis 19:1, Genesis 23:10, Genesis 34:20, Genesis 34:24, 1 Samuel 4:18, etc. (2) For public deliberation, holding. courts of justice, or for meeting kings and rulers or ambassadors. Deuteronomy 16:18, Deuteronomy 21:19, Deuteronomy 25:7, Joshua 20:4, Judges 9:35, etc. (3) Public markets. 2 Kings 7:1. In heathen towns the open spaces near the gates appear to have been sometimes used as places for sacrifice. Acts 14:13; comp. 2 Kings 23:8. The gates of cities were carefully guarded, and closed at nightfall. Deuteronomy 3:5, Joshua 2:5, Joshua 2:7, Judges 9:40, Judges 9:44. They contained chambers over the gateway. 2 Samuel 18:24. The doors of the larger gates mentioned in Scripture were two-leaved, plated with metal, closed with locks and barred with metal bars. Deuteronomy 3:5, Psalms 107:16, Isaiah 1:45-2. Gates not covered by iron were liable to be set on fire by an enemy. Judges 9:52. The gateways of royal palaces and even of private houses were often richly ornamented. Sentences from the law were inscribed on and above the gates. Deuteronomy 6:9, Revelation 21:21. The gates of Solomon's temple were very massive and costly, being overlaid with gold and carvings. 1 Kings 1:6-35, 2 Kings 18:16. Those of the holy place were of olive wood, two-leaved and overlaid with gold; those of the temple of fir. 1 Kings 1:6-32, 1 Kings 6:34, Ezekiel 1:41-24.