Honey. Canaan is described as a land "flowing with milk and honey." Exodus 3:8, Exodus 3:17, Exodus 13:5, Psalms 19:10, Psalms 81:16. And travellers now speak of the immense swarms of bees found in some rocky parts of the country. Deuteronomy 32:13. With this "wild honey" John Baptist was fed. Matthew 3:4. There was a kind of honey-syrup obtained from dates. 2 Chronicles 31:5. Honey was forbidden as an offering. Leviticus 2:11. It is often joined with milk, both being natural products; and "honey and milk" are sometimes figuratively put for pleasant discourse. Song of Solomon 4:11. Honey was sometimes made from the juice of grapes boiled down to the half or third part. This, called dibs, is still prepared in many parts of Syria and Palestine, especially in the neighborhood of Hebron, and is in great quantities exported into Egypt.