Jezreel, Valley of. A triangular plain extending from the Mediterranean to the Jordan, and from the ridge of Carmel to the mountains in Galilee. It is about 25 miles long from east to west, and 12 miles wide from north to south. There Barak and Gideon triumphed; Deborah sung her war song; Saul and Jonathan fell near by, on the mountains of Gilboa; here king Josiah was mortally wounded by the Egyptians. From the base of this triangular plain three branches stretch out eastward, divided by two bleak gray ridges, one called Mount Gilboa, the other Little Hermon. The central branch is the richest as well as the most celebrated. It is the valley of Jezreel proper; the battle-field where Gideon triumphed and Saul and Jonathan were overthrown. Judges 7:1, ff.; 1 Samuel 1:29-11, 1 Samuel 1:31-13. The plain is noted for its wonderful richness.