Joab (jô'ab), whose father is Jehovah. 1. The son of Zeruiah, and nephew of David, and commander-in-chief of his army. He was an accomplished warrior, but a most unscrupulous man. 1 Chronicles 2:16, 1 Chronicles 11:6. He treacherously assassinated Abner. 2 Samuel 2:23, 2 Samuel 3:27. When Absalom rebelled Joab adhered to David; and contrary to express orders he put Absalom to death. 2 Samuel 18:14. David then made Amasa general of his army, but Joab was so offended that he also assassinated Amasa, as he had done Abner. 2 Samuel 20:10. Joab combined in the plot to set Adonijah on the throne, in defiance of the will of David, who had, by divine direction, resolved to make Solomon king. 1 Kings 2:28. After the death of David, Joab was slain at the altar, whither he had fled for protection; and was buried in his own domain in the wilderness. 2 Kings 1:2-25.. A descendant of Judah. 1 Chronicles 4:14.. One whose posterity returned from exile. Ezra 2:6, Ezra 8:9, Nehemiah 7:11.