Judah, Territory of. Extent. — The district assigned to the tribe of Judah in the Promised Land, with its cities, is described in Joshua 1:15-63. It extended across the whole of Western Palestine, from the Dead Sea on the east to the Mediterranean on the west. The average extent of this district was 50 miles from east to west and 45 miles from north to south, and its area about half that of the State of Connecticut. A portion of this territory was subsequently cut off for Simeon, which thus became the frontier tribe on the south. Joshua 1:19-9. A portion of the northwestern part was also given to Dan. Comp. vs. 40-48.
The territory of Judah comprised four regions quite distinct in physical features: 1. The south country, or Negeb, where the fertile land shaded off into the wilderness. 2. The valley, plain, or Shefelah, lying between the Mediterranean and the central hill-country. Joshua 1:15-47. This was an exceedingly fertile country, occupied by the Philistines, who constantly disputed possession. 3. The hill-country, occupying the central range of mountains. Joshua 1:15-60. This region was favorable for the olive and vine. 4. The wilderness, sloping from the central hills to the Dead Sea, at which it terminates in precipitous cliffs. Joshua 1:15-62. This barren tract has evidently been uncultivated and uninhabited from the remotest times, for here alone, of all Palestine, are found no traces of the ruins of former cities. An exception must be made of the fringe of the Dead Sea, where were six cities. Joshua 1:15-62.