Judgment, the Day of. God is called "the Judge of all the earth," Genesis 18:25, and it is reasonable to suppose that he will righteously administer his dominions. In the world, however, the ungodly are often seen to prosper, and the righteous to be oppressed. And this has sometimes grievously perplexed God's servants, who have not known how to reconcile the fact with his holy justice. Psalms 1:73-28. Scripture, therefore, points onward to a time when all these apparent anomalies will be explained, when a great assize will sit, and a just recompense of reward will be meted out to men. Ecclesiastes 11:9, Ecclesiastes 12:14, Acts 24:25. This judgment, we are told, shall be exercised by Christ. Acts 10:42, Acts 17:31, Romans 14:10. Men might be judged either individually, each on his departure from the world, or collectively. Scripture gives us reason to believe that the latter will be the course of God's procedure, Matthew 1:25-46, Revelation 1:20-13; and a day is spoken of, sometimes called the "last day," John 11:24, sometimes the "great day," Jude 1:6, when this shall be. The space of time to be so occupied it is impossible for us to calculate; about the nearness or distance of that day it is useless to speculate, Matthew 24:36; it will be a strict and searching judgment, Matthew 12:36, so that the practical lesson we have to learn is, to be prepared, to judge ourselves, that we be not judged and condemned of the Lord. 1 John 2:28, 1 John 4:17.