Laban (lâ'ban), white. 1. Son of Bethuel, brother of Rebekah and father of Leah and Rachel. The elder branch of Abram's family remained at Haran, in Mesopotamia, when Abraham removed to the land of Canaan. There Laban was, and took the leading part in the betrothal of his sister Rebekah to Isaac. Genesis 24:10, Genesis 1:24-60, Genesis 27:43, Genesis 29:5. Laban again appears as the host of his nephew Jacob at Haran. Genesis 1:29-14. Jacob married Rachel and Leah, daughters of Laban, serving for them 20 to 40 years. but Laban's conduct toward his nephew shows from what source Jacob inherited his tendency to sharp dealing. Nothing is said of Laban after Jacob parted from him.