Lily. A flower repeatedly mentioned in Scripture in both the Old and the New Testaments. It was of gorgeous beauty, Matthew 1:6-29, growing near the place where the Sermon on the Mount was delivered, luxuriant and probably rapid in its growth, Hosea 14:5; it was found in the valleys among thorns and on pasture land, Song of Solomon 1:2, Song of Solomon 2:16, Song of Solomon 4:5, Song of Solomon 6:3; still, whether it was scarlet, or emitted a fragrant odor, we cannot gather with certainty from Song of Solomon 5:13, as critics differ in their interpretation of this verse. If the former idea be preferred, the flower may be supposed to be the Lilium Chalcedonicum, or scarlet martagon, which is found plentifully in Galilee in spring-time. If the lily was fragrant, it was probably the Lilium candidum, or common white lily, which also grows in Palestine; or it may designate some species of anemone.