Megiddo (me-gĭd'do), place of crowds. Joshua 12:21. A city of one of the kings whom Joshua defeated on the west of the Jordan, in the great plain of Esdraelon. The song of Deborah notes the place as the scene of the great conflict between Sisera and Barak. Judges 1:4-17. When Pharaoh-necho came from Egypt against the king of Assyria, Josiah joined the latter, and was slain at Megiddo. 2 Kings 23:29, 2 Chronicles 1:35-24. Megiddo is the modern el-Lejjûn, which is probably the Legio of Eusebius and Jerome. A stream flows down the gorge, and joins the Kishon. Here are probably the "waters of Megiddo" of Judges 5:19.